De la survivance préhistorique à la sacralisation des Hommes.
Il était une fois Ina et Najo. De leur union sur Komodo naquit un garçon nommé Matarea ainsi qu’un oeuf. De l’oeuf sortit le dragon. Une histoire mille fois contée par les anciens. Une légende qui conforte les Indonésiens dans leur respect pour l’île de Komodo. Exclusivement présent dans les régions semi-arides et tropicales de l’Indonésie centrale, le varan de Komodo s’adapte depuis 140 millions d’années aux vicissitudes de la Terre. Menacé mais protégé, l’animal préhistorique demeure le plus grand lézard terrestre. Un redoutable carnivore de 2,50 mètres pour 160 kilos
- la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- Les dragons de Komodo. Les Varanus Komodoensis, peuvent nager de l’le l’le, mais chassent egalement leur proie dans l’eau. Komodo dragons. Varanus Komodoensis, can swim from island to island, but also chase their prey in the water.
- la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant au premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h lorsqu’ il avance vers sa proie. La salive d’un Varanus Komodensis contient environ 50 bacteries diffrentes, dont 7 sont particulierement toxiques. Une fois que la proie du varan est mordue, elle meurt lentement en pres de 48h00 de la septicemie. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 40 kph when it runs towards its prey. The saliva of a Varanus Komodensis contains about 50 different bacteria, out of which 7 are particularly poisonous. Once bitten, the varans prey will slowly but certainly die out of septicemia.
- Une patte d’un Varanus Komodensis dotees de griffes impressionnantes. The paws of a Varanus Komodensis are endowed with impressive claws.
- La salive d’un Varanus Komodensis contient environ 50 bacteries diffrentes, dont 7 sont particulierement toxiques. Une fois mordue, la proie du varan meurt lentement en pres de 48h00 de la septicemie. The saliva of a Varanus Komodensis contains about 50 different bacteria, out of which 7 are particularly poisonous. Once bitten, the varans prey will slowly but certainly die out of septicemia.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant au premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h lorsqu’ il avance vers sa proie. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 40 kph when it runs towards its prey.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant au premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h lorsqu’ il avance vers sa proie. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 40 kph when it runs towards its prey.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant au premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h lorsqu’ il avance vers sa proie. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 40 kph when it runs towards its prey.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant au premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h lorsqu’ il avance vers sa proie. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 40 kph when it runs towards its prey.
- Le cerf, le muffle, le sanglier, sont les principales proies du dragon de de Komodo. The doe, the cow, the pig, are the principal preys of the dragon of Komodo.
- Le cerf, le muffle, le sanglier, sont les principales proies du dragon de de Komodo. The doe, the cow, the pig, are the principal preys of the dragon of Komodo.
- Le cerf, le muffle, le sanglier, sont les principales proies du dragon de de Komodo. The doe, the cow, the pig, are the principal preys of the dragon of Komodo.
- L’le de Rinca, qui fait partie du parc national de Komodo, donne l’abri environ 1.300 varans. Un dragon approche un cerf commun avec l’intention de la manger. Rinca Island, which is part of the Komodo national park, gives shelter to about 1,300 varans. A dragon is approaching a deer with the intent of eating it. It first attacks the beastÀs feet, then rips it apart with its powerful jaws. The most dangerous thing of all is the varans saliva, which condamns its prey to a slow, certain death.
- Sur l’le de Rinca, un des 30 lots du parc national de Komodo, un jeune varan grimpe a un arbre afin de s’echapper des dragons plus anciens. On Rinca Island, one of the 30 odd islets of the Komodo National Park, a young varan climbs a tree in order to escape from older dragons.
- Le cerf, le muffle, le sanglier, sont les principales proies du dragon de de Komodo. The doe, the cow, the pig, are the principal preys of the dragon of Komodo.
- Beaucoup de singes (babouin), vivent sur l’ile de Komodo. La proie la moins facile a attrapper pour le Dragon. Many monkeys live on the island of Komodo. The less easy prey to catch the dragon.
- Avant l’accouplement, les combats de rituels entre les males de domination ont lieu entre mai et aout. Before mating, rituals fights between dominating males take place between May and August.
- Avant l’accouplement, les combats de rituels entre les males de domination ont lieu entre mai et aout. Before mating, rituals fights between dominating males take place between May and August.
- Avant l’accouplement, les combats de rituels entre les males de domination ont lieu entre mai et aout. Before mating, rituals fights between dominating males take place between May and August.
- Avant l’accouplement, les combats de rituels entre les males de domination ont lieu entre mai et aout. Before mating, rituals fights between dominating males take place between May and August.
- Avant l’accouplement, les combats de rituels entre les males de domination ont lieu entre mai et aout. Before mating, rituals fights between dominating males take place between May and August.
- Avant l’accouplement, les combats de rituels entre les males de domination ont lieu entre mai et aout. Before mating, rituals fights between dominating males take place between May and August.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant le premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h o il fonctionne vers sa proie. Il peut indiquer exactement a dit la proie une distance de 300 M. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 20 kph when it runs towards its prey. It can pinpoint said prey at a distance of 300 m.
- l’ile de komodo. Un voyage 8 heures en bateau au depart de l’ile de Flores. the island of komodo. A voyage 8 hours in boat at the beginning of the island of Flores.
- ‘ile de komodo. the island of komodo.
- Le voyage de l’ile de Komodo vers l’le de Rinca est de 3 heures. Varans, les especes les plus sauvages et moins connues, restent les predateurs principaux. 1.300 dragons etaient repertorie sur Rinca. The trip from Komodo Island to Rinca Island roughly equals 3 hours. Varans, the wildest and less known species, remain the main predators. 1,300 dragons were listed on Rinca.
- Les dragons de Komodo. Les Varanus Komodoensis, peuvent nager de l’le l’le, mais chassent egalement leur proie dans l’eau. Komodo dragons. Varanus Komodoensis, can swim from island to island, but also chase their prey in the water.
- Les dragons de Komodo. Les Varanus Komodoensis, peuvent nager de l’le l’le, mais chassent egalement leur proie dans l’eau. Komodo dragons. Varanus Komodoensis, can swim from island to island, but also chase their prey in the water.
- Les dragons de Komodo. Les Varanus Komodoensis, peuvent nager de l’le l’le, mais chassent egalement leur proie dans l’eau. Komodo dragons. Varanus Komodoensis, can swim from island to island, but also chase their prey in the water.
- la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant au premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h lorsqu’ il avance vers sa proie. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 40 kph when it runs towards its prey.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant au premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h lorsqu’ il avance vers sa proie. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 40 kph when it runs towards its prey.
- Il est parfois difficile de distinguer un varan de la vegetation dans laquelle il se cache. It is sometimes hard to distinguish a varan from the vegetation in which he is hiding.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pendant les vieux jours, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivent plus de la chasse qui ne leur fournie pas assez de nourriture. prs du rivage, ils vivent essentiellement fonds sur la peche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pendant les vieux jours, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivent plus de la chasse qui ne leur fournie pas assez de nourriture. prs du rivage, ils vivent essentiellement fonds sur la peche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pendant les vieux jours, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivent plus de la chasse qui ne leur fournie pas assez de nourriture. prs du rivage, ils vivent essentiellement fonds sur la peche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- L’enfant dernier-ne du village de Komodo, un lien hereditaire raconte par une legende, lie les habitants de l’le aux lezards geants. la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. The last-born child of the village of Komodo, an ancestral link connecting the island dwellers to the giant lizards. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- L’enfant dernier-ne du village de Komodo, un lien hereditaire raconte par une legende, lie les habitants de l’le aux lezards geants. la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. The last-born child of the village of Komodo, an ancestral link connecting the island dwellers to the giant lizards. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- L’enfant dernier-ne du village de Komodo, un lien hereditaire raconte par une legende, lie les habitants de l’le aux lezards geants. la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. The last-born child of the village of Komodo, an ancestral link connecting the island dwellers to the giant lizards. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- L’enfant dernier-ne du village de Komodo, un lien hereditaire raconte par une legende, lie les habitants de l’le aux lezards geants. la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. The last-born child of the village of Komodo, an ancestral link connecting the island dwellers to the giant lizards. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- L’enfant dernier-ne du village de Komodo, un lien hereditaire raconte par une legende, lie les habitants de l’le aux lezards geants. la legende : Le etait une fois, un enfant appele Matarea ne de l’union de la femme Ina Matarea et de l’homme Najo. Leur union a egalement produit un oeuf de varan qu’ils ont appele Ora. The last-born child of the village of Komodo, an ancestral link connecting the island dwellers to the giant lizards. It reminds her of the legend : Once, a child called Matarea was born from the union of the woman Ina Matarea and the man Najo. Their union also produced an egg out of which hatched a varan they called Ora.
- Les enfants de l’ile de Komodo. Children of the island of Komodo.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing.
- Abdurhaman est l’ancien du village de Komodo. 90 ages, il est ne a Komodo. la communaute etait a l’epoque de seulement 20 habitants. Le village, qui etait alors situe dans les montagnes de l’le, a t deplace sur le rivage en 1920. Abdurhaman is the ancient one of the village of Komodo. Aged 90, he was born in Komodo in a time when the community was made of only 20 inhabitants. The village, which was then located in the heights of the island, was later moved to the shores in 1920.
- Abdurhaman est l’ancien du village de Komodo. 90 ages, il est ne a Komodo. la communaute etait a l’epoque de seulement 20 habitants. Le village, qui etait alors situe dans les montagnes de l’le, a t deplace sur le rivage en 1920. Abdurhaman is the ancient one of the village of Komodo. Aged 90, he was born in Komodo in a time when the community was made of only 20 inhabitants. The village, which was then located in the heights of the island, was later moved to the shores in 1920.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. Les villageois sculptent des dragons en bois qui seront vendus jusqu’a jakarta, la capitale indonesienne. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing. The villagers carve dragons of wood which will be sold until jakarta, the Indonesian capital.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. Les villageois sculptent des dragons en bois qui seront vendus jusqu’a jakarta, la capitale indonesienne. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing. The villagers carve dragons of wood which will be sold until jakarta, the Indonesian capital.
- Le village de Komodo est peuple de 1.200 habitants, tous sont musulmans. Pres de 90 ans auparavant, le village etait situe dans les montagne de l’le. les villageois de Komodo ne vivant plus de la chasse a cause des dragons qui ne leur fournissait plus assez de nourriture, le village a ete installe pres du rivage. Aujourd’hui, ils vivent essentiellement de la pche. Les villageois sculptent des dragons en bois qui seront vendus jusqu’a jakarta, la capitale indonesienne. The village of Komodo is now peopled with 1,200 inhabitants, all Muslims. In the old days, the village did not have that much inhabitants and was located in the heights of the island. the people of Komodo has to move down their village : hunting did not provide them with enough food, so they got closer to the shore and then essentially relied on fishing. The villagers carve dragons of wood which will be sold until jakarta, the Indonesian capital.
- ‘ile de komodo. the island of komodo.
- Ile de Komodo. Les chauves-souris remplissent le ciel chaque soir. L’ile aux dragons est mytique. Island of Komodo. The bats fill the sky each evening. The island of dragons is mytic.
- Ile de Komodo. Les chauves-souris remplissent le ciel chaque soir. L’ile aux dragons est mytique. Island of Komodo. The bats fill the sky each evening. The island of dragons is mytic.
- Ile de Komodo. retour des pecheurs vers le village de Komodo. Island of Komodo. return of the fishermen towards the village of Komodo.
- Ile de Komodo. retour des pecheurs vers le village de Komodo. Island of Komodo. return of the fishermen towards the village of Komodo.
- ‘ile de komodo. the island of komodo.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant au premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h lorsqu’ il avance vers sa proie. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 40 kph when it runs towards its prey.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant au premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h lorsqu’ il avance vers sa proie. La salive d’un Varanus Komodensis contient environ 50 bacteries diffrentes, dont 7 sont particulierement toxiques. Une fois que la proie du varan est mordue, elle meurt lentement en pres de 48h00 de la septicemie. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 40 kph when it runs towards its prey. The saliva of a Varanus Komodensis contains about 50 different bacteria, out of which 7 are particularly poisonous. Once bitten, the varans prey will slowly but certainly die out of septicemia.
- Le dragon de Komodo, qui pourrait regarder nonchalant au premier regard, peut atteindre la vitesse de 40 km/h lorsqu’ il avance vers sa proie. La salive d’un Varanus Komodensis contient environ 50 bacteries diffrentes, dont 7 sont particulierement toxiques. Une fois que la proie du varan est mordue, elle meurt lentement en pres de 48h00 de la septicemie. The Komodo dragon, who might look nonchalant at first glance, can reach the speed of 40 kph when it runs towards its prey. The saliva of a Varanus Komodensis contains about 50 different bacteria, out of which 7 are particularly poisonous. Once bitten, the varans prey will slowly but certainly die out of septicemia.
- La garde nationale indonsienne veille sur les dragons armes seulement de batons. The Indonesian national guard takes care on the dragons armed only with sticks.
- Ile de Komodo. retour des pecheurs vers le village de Komodo. Island of Komodo. return of the fishermen towards the village of Komodo.
- Ile de Flores, le port pour joindre l’ile de Komodo. Island of Flores, the port to join the island of Komodo.
- Dans toute l’indonesie, le dragon est dans les fetes rituelles du pays. La legende n’est plus une une legende quand on est passe par l’ile de komodo. In all Indonesia, the dragon is in the ritual festivals of the country. The legend is not any more one one legend when one is master key by the island of komodo.